Food and drinks in Lisse

Get a taste of Lisse!
In the flower village of Lisse, good food and drink are number 1 among the many hospitable restaurants. There are so many pleasant and inviting places where you can go for a nice cup of coffee, an extensive lunch or a delicious dinner. And because there are so many nice addresses, there is a good chance that you will return to discover the rest.
If you don't have time to stay for dinner, order a nice meal from the local caterer or your favourite restaurant and enjoy the taste of Lisse on your plate at home!
45 results
Hotel De Engel
Hotel De EngelHotel De Engel
Heereweg 386
2161 DG Lisse -
Funky Moose
Funky MooseKanaalstraat 22
2162 JL Lisse -
Restaurant De Vier Seizoenen
Restaurant De Vier SeizoenenHeereweg 224
2161 BR Lisse -
FreQuentHeereweg 234
2161 BR Lisse -
De Heerekamer
De HeerekamerDe Heerekamer
Heereweg 200
2161 BP Lisse -
Dragon Town
Dragon TownDragon Town
Berkhoutlaan 5
2161 EL Lisse -
Restaurant de Hofboerderij
Restaurant de HofboerderijRestaurant de Hofboerderij
Keukenhof 1
2161 AN Lisse -
Chique en Simpel
Chique en SimpelHeereweg 227
2161 BG Lisse -
Evi Deli Lunchroom
Evi Deli LunchroomHeereweg 218
2161 BR Lisse -
Grachtweg 11
2161 HL Lisse -
Greek Restaurant Mykonos
Greek Restaurant MykonosKanaalstraat 90
2161 JP Lisse -
Grand Café Cineac
Grand Café CineacGrand Café Cineac
Floralisplein 69
2161 HX Lisse -
Trattoria da Marco
Trattoria da MarcoHeereweg 207
2161 BE Lisse -
B-FactoryKanaalstraat 28
2161 JL Lisse -
La Rosario Lisse
La Rosario LisseHeereweg 238
2161 BR Lisse -
Restaurant Ibis
Restaurant IbisHeereweg 230
2161 BR Lisse -
Trattoria Panini
Trattoria PaniniTrattoria Panini
Kanaalstraat 31
2161 JA Lisse -
De Buren Lisse
De Buren LisseEetwinkel De Buren
Kanaalstraat 108
2161 JR Lisse -
Het Tussenstation
Het TussenstationHet Tussenstation
Stationsweg 59
2161 AM Lisse -
2161 JP Lisse -
Family Lisse cafetaria
Family Lisse cafetariaBlokhuis 24
2161 EW Lisse -
Pannenkoekenhuis Pannenkoe
Pannenkoekenhuis PannenkoePannenkoekenhuis Pannenkoe
Kanaalstraat 22 a
2161 JL Lisse -
Pizzeria Ristorante Il Forno
Pizzeria Ristorante Il FornoRistorante Il Forno
Kapelstraat 8 a
2161HD Lisse -
Ristorante Il Mulino
Ristorante Il MulinoHeereweg 194
2161 BP Lisse
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